American War Objectors in Canada
Oral history interview in progress
Transcript marked up with TEI
Visualization of oral history data

Dartmouth Digital History Initiative

Encoding and visualizing oral history data

What is the DDHI?

The Dartmouth Digital History Initiative is an open-source digital humanities project launched in 2019 at Dartmouth College. The DDHI is developing new ways of researching, visualizing, analyzing, and representing the contents of digital oral history archives.


DDHI Decorative Placeholder
January 13th, 2021

DDHI seeking new student research associates for spring 2021

The DDHI is opening applications for Dartmouth student research associates to join our team for the spring 2021 term. Students applying for the spring term will also have an opportunity to continue their participation in the project during the 2021-2022 academic year. If interested, Dartmouth students should visit the student research associate program page to find out more information about requirements and the application process. Please don't hesitate to email the DDHI ( if you have any questions about the project or the position.

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