Our Supporters

The DDHI team is grateful for the support and advice provided by the following organizations.

National Endowment for the Humanities seal

National Endowment for the Humanities

In 2022, the DDHI was selected to receive a Digital Humanities Advancement Grant (Level III) from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The award, which totals $400,000 in NEH outright and matching funds, will fund an exciting new collaboration between Dartmouth and the University of Kentucky. Over the course of two years (2023-2025), our collaboration will bring together two previously separate digital humanities projects: the DDHI and the Oral History Metadata Synchronizer (OHMS)

National Archives: National Historical Publications & Records Commission logo

National Historical Publications & Records Commission

In 2019, the Dartmouth Digital History Initiative was launched with the support of a Major Initiatives Grant provided by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), a statutory body affiliated with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. The NHPRC supports a wide range of activities to preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources relating to the history of the United States.

OHMS logo

Oral History Metadata Synchronizer

Established in 2008 by the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History at the University of Kentucky, the Oral History Metadata Synchronizer (OHMS) is a web-based system that delivers best-in-class interactive user experiences for patrons of online oral history archives. The DDHI is currently collaborating with OHMS on a 2-year project funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Dartmouth College logo

Department of History - Dartmouth

The History faculty at Dartmouth College pursues an integrated mission: to offer inspiring liberal arts instruction while conducting advanced historical research. Connections between the department's curriculum and its varied research programs assure that faculty, students, and post-docs regularly collaborate on the cutting edges of contemporary historical scholarship.

Dartmouth College Class of ‘64

Dartmouth College logo

Digital Humanities and Social Engagement - Dartmouth

Dartmouth’s Digital Humanities and Social Engagement (DHSE) cluster was established as part of President Hanlon’s Academic Cluster Initiative. A humanities-based cluster, DHSE brings together two broad areas of scholarship, teaching, and social change: Digital Humanities and Social Engagement.

Dartmouth College logo

The Neukom Institute for Computational Science - Dartmouth

The mission of the Neukom Institute for Computational Science at Dartmouth College is to support this broad view of computational investigation across campus, and to catalyze creative thought throughout the Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, and Business, for undergraduates, graduate students and faculty.

Dartmouth College logo

Undergraduate Advising & Research - Dartmouth

Undergraduate Advising & Research (UGAR) oversees advising and research within the undergraduate curriculum. Through the Undergraduate Research Assistantships at Dartmouth and Presidential Scholars programs, UGAR has supported the work of numerous DDHI Student Research Fellows since 2019.

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Research Computing - Dartmouth

Research Computing facilitates and enables the advancement of research by providing leading-edge computing services.

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DALI Lab - Dartmouth

At DALI (Digital Applied Learning and Innovation), students work in small teams to solve big problems brought by partners from around the world.  Student teams (software engineers, designers, project manager) follow the DALI process to build mobile tools, such as mobile and web applications, VR/AR interactive experiences, games, data visualizations, animations, and more.

TAPAS Project logo

TAPAS Project

As a project that uses the Text Encoding Initiative standard, the DDHI has depended from its earliest days on the expert advice and insight of the TAPAS Project. TAPAS (the TEI Archiving Publishing and Access Service) provides TEI-based projects a platform for organizing and publishing their encoded texts. Although the DDHI is not housed on the TAPAS platform, we rely heavily on the wisdom and experience of the TAPAS leadership team, especially in our ongoing work to refine our TEI encoding schema for oral history interviews.